

Welcome to our blog! We are a group of business students from Aberystwyth University in Wales. Here we will look in to the tourism industry and how social media can impact businesses within this field, thanks to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, tourism companies can utilise certain methods, such as advertising and collaboration with influencers to expand their outreach in an attempt to attract new customers.

Businesses and Social Media

Digital Marketing and customer outreach Nowadays, digital marketing changed, lots of brands and companies use social media and modern technologies for many purposes. Social media are cheap and easily accessible than traditional media. Many popular platforms like Instagram, YouTube or Facebook are one of the most powerful sources of information today. “Globally, there are more than 3 billion social media users. Social media is an ever-changing and ever-evolving web-based platform.” (Investopedia) The platforms allow us to share photos and videos. They also bring many advantages to brands. Companies use social media as a digital strategy and as a marketing tool. Brands by social media are connected with the whole world, the sites are used for branding, advertisements, they play promotional roles. Brands spent a lot of money on advertisements online. Brands can use this platform to get in touch with customers. The media could be sponsored by individuals or companies. Customers often

Social Media Advertising

Social Media and Advertising Currently, social media are one of the most popular forms to promote products on the internet. Social media are used for diverse communication between people from around the world (e.g. using photos or posts) [1]. Advertising in social groups involves paying for the content you want to present and placing them on the appropriate pages. Sponsored content appears everywhere on the internet, in the form of ads [2]. They are directly targeted to many people, to different age group but especially to teenagers. Young people are most often most exposed to the effects of advertising because they regularly use social media. However, internet access is now so large and so comprehensive that interest in social media is growing in diverse age groups. Difference between Traditional and Digital marketing: The main difference between commercials shown on television and those on the internet is that social media ads are exposed to ratings by viewers. TV viewers see

Web for the Tourism Industry

What are the biggest impacts on tourism? It is assumed that tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries of today, begging the question: which specific trends have had the most notable influence on traveller/s decisions to hop on planes, jump in their cars or board a train to their next destination? Wages in most countries have risen, and employers offer longer holiday breaks for workers. People have an increased understanding and awareness of different cultures and religions. A thirst for knowledge has meant more people have started studying abroad to explore how learning looks in different countries.  However what encourages this in the first place? And where do travellers get motivation and knowledge? The answer is very simple, we owe this to social media. This article will focus on how social media can influence traveller decisions and the advantages are for the tourism industry. Social media, the web, and its uses for tourism Using social media platform

What is an Influencer?

Who are they? Influencers are content creators who have a large number of social media followers, and with that comes a great level of influence, in ways setting trends within their following. Influencers can be found on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Different influencers, influence different types of groups, it isn't a one fits all. Therefore businesses have to look for the perfect influencer. What is influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is a relatively new way for businesses of marketing through the use of influencers and social media.[2]Although capable of taking place on most social media platforms it is most commonly found used on YouTube & Instagram. Having an influencer feature a business’s product/s or service/s in their content is a more cost-effective advertising solution compared to the traditional method of television or online advertisements, allowing it to been seen by a large group of dedicated followers who trust the opinion

Social Media Growth

What is social media? Merriam-Webster defines social media as “forms of electronic communication, such as websites for social networking and microblogging through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content such as videos.” Origins of social media Social media platforms as we know them today have their origins in the early noughties. MySpace, an early example of social media was created in late 2003 and within a year had a million monthly active users, this showed the potential outreach these sites could gain. It was around this time that Facebook was created, initially only aimed at students within the founder’s university, it quickly expanded and by 2005 had 6 million users. But it wasn’t just individuals that were signing up, 2007 saw 100,000 businesses having a page on Facebook, this allowed companies to attract new custom and communicate their products and services to a huge number of people at virtually